My name is Johanna Thamm and I wrote my bachelor thesis in the ARBONETH project in cooperation with GIZ. The thesis is focused on the natural regeneration of tree species in the Menagesha Suba National Forest in Central Ethiopia. For this, in July 2017 I recorded various location factors, tree species, diameters and heights, as well as all seedlings with assessment of their vitality on different area types in the Menagesha Forest. The destination is to assess the forest future development and determine interactions of plants.
Location and Elevation of Menagesha Suba National Forest
Forest with planted Juniperus procera
Overall, my research shows that Eucalyptus plantations have a lower natural regeneration. Furthermore, the tree diameter analysis indicated that the forest was heavily used by logging and is now in a state of different succession levels. The regeneration of the indigenous tree Juniperus procera could be classified as weak. In the future, the Menagesha tree nursery will try to promote the preservation of native species such as Juniperus procera.